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From Gutenberg to Kindle: The Art of Bible Making

Saturdays 1:00 to 4:30pm; weekdays by appointment.

Admission: Donations Welcome

Before Johannes Gutenberg published his first Bible in the 1450s using his innovative moveable-type printing press, Bibles were generally available only in the form of expensive hand-lettered Latin manuscripts. Gutenberg’s invention marked the beginning of a revolution in printing that allowed everyday people to possess their own Bibles in their own native languages. In celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible (1611-2011), Glencairn’s exhibition illustrates the history of Bible making, using both hand-lettered and mechanically-printed Bible leaves from the Museum’s collection. Other highlights include a full-size working replica of a journeyman printer’s Gutenberg-style press (with live demonstrations available), and a Bible downloaded to an Amazon Kindle, a modern e-book reader with an e-paper display.