Image of Mary holding the Christ Child, in muted tones of green yellow, blue, red, and purple.

December 13

Philadelphia artist Frank Snyder designed this Christmas card featuring Mary holding the Christ Child, both adorned with halos. The Christ Child holds a banner, while below them is inscribed “GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO” (Glory to God in the Highest). Snyder and his wife, Ann, sent this card to Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn (date unknown). He worked as a painter and muralist at Glencairn from 1937 to 1940, and continued working for the Pitcairns on freelance projects into the early 1950s. His work at Glencairn included a large Adoration of the Shepherds painting on canvas, a mural in Michael Pitcairn’s bedroom, and several painted plexiglass lampshades.

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